Beyond The Classroom
We cannot discover our children’s and staff full potential, if we only emphasize on completing a set curriculum and content. Education in its broadest sense is not simply about academic achievement.
So we offer a wide range of co-curricular activities designed to instill real world skills in children and
blossom their personalities. We teach our kids about empathy and helping others who are less fortunate
than themselves, so that they can make an impact in their communities.
We support The Thinking Pink Breast Cancer Foundation and every year participate in their annual walk to
help raise funds for cancer patients.
During the Christmas holidays, our families contribute donations that our kids take to the old people’s
home at the King George Memorial Home for the elderly in Grafton
Our kids are encouraged to practice sharing. They donated their prizes and winnings from the National Spelling Bee Competition to a less fortunate school in Wilberforce, The Wilberforce Municipal School.
Caring for our environment has a direct effect on our livelihoods. Families are encouraged to participate in
our communal acts of service, such as when we donated trash bins to 'River No 2 ' organization and also
monetary donations to the Freetown City Council to assist them in planting trees across the city of Freetown.